Please, make sure your ViSoft Premium is up to date [required version 2022.2.577 or later]. This contains a solution so you will be able to use Sketchup Warehouse again.
However, you will need to make a cost-free Trimble account registration through ViSoft: please go to Sanitary Browser and click on “Sketchup 3D Warehouse”, then click on the icon in the top right corner to be able to register a profile. (As marked with orange on the picture below.)

- You will see a Trimble “Sign in” option: choose “Create a Trimble ID” to make yourself a free account.

- Fill out the required data and click on “Send code”. You will receive and email to the given address. Then your free Trimble account is ready!

- After singing in with your Trimble account, all the Sketchup Warehouse functions have to work flawlessly in ViSoft Premium again.