In ViSoft you can adjust the object however you like. It is not possible to modify an object in the database of the manufacturer (protected), but you CAN copy the object to .custom objects and make changes to the object or tile there.
Copy the object you would like to change, and paste it in .custom objects serie. Rightclick and select Properties. Edit the order number to avoid a wrong order. Open the tab Geometry and click Edit parts. Select a part you like to edit in size or to delete. Check that the lock is disabled.
Object parts browser
Open the Object parts browser to get an overview of all the parts (button left of object preview). You can select multiple parts by selecting and pressing CTRL. Use the Highlight selection button to see which parts are selected. The other parts are shown in wireframe.
To edit the material, open the material tab. Select a part you wish to edit the material of, and browse through the templates.
It is possible to add light to a certain part of the object. Open the light tab and add a point or spotlight. You can set all the properties for the light as well.