- Building a room
- Installing furniture and sanitary
- Texturing and tiling, materials’ settings
- Setting decorations
- Objects quality
- 3D-tiles and borders
- Setting lighting in the project
7.1. Basic light settings
7.2. Advanced light settings
7.3. Outside picture - Setting viewpoints
- Photo-tuning settings
- Post-processing
- Publishing:
11.1. Project preparation for publishing
11.2. Publishing project to ViSoft360
11.3. Publishing project in AR
1. Building a room
Start creating a new project by building walls according to a building plan:

Then add doors and windows:

After the door is placed, select the door and click on the “Door/Window Assistant” button. Customize door size, frame, handle, material etc. For the best quality render we recommend using any of the DIN doors you see on the screenshot.

Then select the window and set up the window parameters with Door/Window Assistant:

2. Installing furniture and sanitary
We start with placing main sanitary objects such as the bath, washbasin area, and WC area with installation.
For the bath, we added also a platform 5cm in height to accentuate the bath area. Also, we added a mural behind the bath (the mural height corresponds to the bottom of the window), which creates a comfortable place for cosmetics and decorations. Also, it adds more volume to the project.

Also added a WC installation made from the mural and a free-standing bath:

Place countertop with cupboard under it and washbasin group. The countertop and cupboard are created from murals.

Add sanitary objects, such as baths, washbasins, armatures, and radiators. The custom mirror with frame is created from murals:

Add WC and bidet, as well as all necessary furniture. Shelf, wardrobe, and the custom bath screen are created from murals. The typical washing machine was taken from the ViSoft Decoration database.

If you create custom furniture from murals, we recommend leaving holes 3-5mm between the corpus and facade. This will create a realistic view of furniture and you will get the best quality render at the end.

3. Texturing and tiling, materials’ settings
Texture all walls and objects with high-quality textures and materials.
For bath and shower screens use Shower glass material from BASE MATERIALS:

You can find high-quality textures in databases: ViSoftDatabase, BASE MATERIALS, and ViSoft AI Materials. All textures from these databases are seamless and have high resolution.

Then set materials.
Use the button “Fit” to fit material texture to the size of the object:

If the texture is flattened or stretched, then set values manually: 100 x 100 x 100 cm (or other you like). If the texture is placed 90 degrees, then also set the Rotation axe to 90 degrees (set this parameter to one of the axes – X, Y, or Z). Click “OK”.

To set material on Doors, use the same steps: select the object (doors) – “Setup mapping” button – then set material parameters manually to 100 x 100 x 100cm.

Tile all needed walls and murals. For the best quality use tiles with multi-variations and HQ symbol.
HQ symbol means that the tile is high quality (red arrow), and the triple square symbol (turquoise arrow) — that it has multi-variations:

Selected tile has 8 texture variations:

We tiled all walls with high-quality tiles:

4. Setting decorations
Then add stylish decorations. You can find decorations in the ViSoft Decorations and ViSoft Plants databases. It’s important to use objects with high-quality geometry and textures. If you use your custom objects, make sure that they don’t have issues like holes, or bad polygons, in other cases they will look not very good on the final render and in 3D mode.
5. Objects quality
Check the number of polygons used in each object in the project. Use objects with a maximum of 200 000 – 250 000 polygons, because using objects with a very large amount of polygons may cause difficulties with working speed in ViSoft and rendering time.
Objects in ViSoft Databases (like ViSoft Bathroom, ViSoft Decoration, ViSoft Plants, etc.) already have the optimal amount of polygons. But if you use objects from other programs or objects downloaded from the internet, please check the polygons amount: go to Object — Sanitary — Side Browser — Sort by: “Poligons” and check the value in the bottom line under each object name:

6. 3D-tiles and borders
Check if 3D tiles and borders are ON. For this: right click in 3d mode — select 3D Settings in Context Menu — check checkboxes for 3D Tiles and 3D Borders:

Make sure that all items that are close to walls with tiles are moved from the walls according to the value of the tile thickness. Tiles with wooden texture have a thickness of 7mm, which is why the radiator is moved 7mm from the wall:

If you have tiles on outer corners, then use edges or Tile Cut 45 to create an accurate tile coupling:


Set tile grouts according to your design and tile color. Go to Tile-Place-Tiles, select tile in 3d mode, click on “Color: ” – choose the color you like from different tile grout brands – Press OK.

7. Setting lighting in the project
Light has the biggest impact on the final render. That’s why setting lighting is very important.
7.1. Basic light settings
First of all, add a suspended ceiling. We created a custom-suspended ceiling with a free mural.

Leave a free distance from the wall (approximately 5-10cm) for the LED lighting stripe under the ceiling.

Set material parameters for LED light:
Emissive: 10 (the value can be another — 1-10 depending on the size of the project, total lighting in the room, the color of the surrounding walls, etc.)

Set the color for the LED. For a pleasant warm lighting set warm yellow color:

For the upper and lower mirror lighting add a custom mural behind the mirror, so there is a visible part of the mural, 1-3cm depth. Set the same parameters:

For ceiling lighting – add spot lamps from the ViSoft Lights database:

Also, a few lamps you can find in ViSmart Database:

We used Spot Light 05 in this project. For creating uniform lighting in the whole bathroom the lamps are located at the same distance from the walls and bath:

Also, add accent lamps where it’s needed (we added a lamp with a plant near the mirror):

The light that we get from these lamps is enough for a good final render. Default (point) lights are switched off.
Also, you can use default lights together with lamps in the project. Set their mounting height 20-30cm lower under the ceiling to get rid of light circles on the ceiling (room height is 280cm):

To avoid additional shadows from the default light, uncheck the checkbox “Drop Shadow” for the default light in Light Properties (select default light — right-click — Properties):

7.2. Advanced light settings
To create beautiful shadows from the sun, use portal light
Go to Floor View, View — Light — Sun & Sky, check checkbox On/Off:

Select the sun and move it. Look how the sun’s rays appear through the window. Set the position that you like:

Look how beautiful sun rays appear in the room:

7.3. Outside picture
For the best lighting use outside pictures with sky in HDR format.
Something like these pictures, for example:

View — Light — Sun & Sky — Import.
Set type Spherical (it will cover the whole outside of the project):

Look now behind the window:

8. Setting viewpoints
Set the camera to the positions you like.

After this press the button “Optimize Perspective”, it will align the verticals to straight vertical lines:

You can also use buttons Pan, Move, Perspectives, manual properties Tilt, Offset, View height, lens angle, and others on the right panel to set the best camera view for the future render:

Use the checkbox “Enable Curtains” to see the final camera view in the selected image resolution.

Open the Navigation panel (marked with arrow above), and click on button “1”(arrow below) — the button becomes green. Click on the button “Save”. Now the viewpoint is saved to camera position 1.
Then save the camera positions that you need:

9. Photo-tuning settings
The last step is to create the final render. For this, you need to set photo-tuning.
Go to File-Preferences (or Ctrl + K on keyboard) — ViSoft System Preferences window is opened.
Go to Tab Photo-Tuning, check checkboxes for Auto-Exposure and Auto-White Balance, and press OK.
Also, check checkboxes for Glare Effect and Denoiser. The glare effect will create beautiful mild lighting and stars around lights, denoiser will reduce grain. Also, you can enable glare and denoiser after the render is finished in post-processing):

Check the checkbox “Use Photo Tuning cluster rendering” if you are using the cluster. Cluster rendering allows you to use the power of other computers to speed up the render time.

Also, you can change the render resolution in the Photo Tuning window.
Go to View — Advanced — Photo-Tuning, set Render Size (set manually or select a typical resolution from the menu), set quality to Photorealistic or Perfect — Enqueue.

Add all render tasks that you need to the queue.
Open V-Ray Rendering Queue (View — Advanced — Rendering Queue). You can select one or a few tasks that you created, and start rendering with a triangle button.

10. Post-processing
After the render is finished, open the Post-processing window. Right-click on the created render in the V-Ray rendering queue window, and select “Post-processing”:

The final render is too cold because of the cold outside picture, so we made it warmer with a White Balance — by changing the Temperature:

Also, the picture is a little bit too dark, move the Exposure slider to the right. Set the exposure value before you like the result. Decrease Highlights burn (move the Highlight Burn slider to the left) to have beautiful mild lighting:

If you didn’t set a checkbox for glare effects in the Preferences window, then you don’t see glare (stars around lights). To add glare just check the checkbox “Enable Lens Effects” in Lens Effects.

You can also edit intensity, size, bloom, and other parameters of Lens Effects to get the result that you like:

If you have rendered a few renders, make the same post-processing steps for each render.
More information about post-processing in V-Ray can be found in the document: How to make postprocessing in V-Ray 5 and 6 – 01 – ViSoft Premium – Confluence (atlassian.net)
11. Publishing:
11.1. Project preparation for publishing
When your project is ready, save it (File — Save or press Ctrl + S). You can publish your project to the portal visoft360.com
Before this, you can also create a beautiful custom preview for your project.
ViSoft automatically creates a preview for the project from the top view in 3d mode. To have a realistic preview, make a new picture with size 600x600px from your render, name it preview.jpg, and replace the old preview in the project folder:

Now the project preview looks like this:

Every time you open a project and resave it, ViSoft will automatically recreate a standard preview. If you don’t want to lose the new preview, you can make a project Read-Only:

11.2. Publishing project to visoft360.com
Make sure all your renders are located in your final project folder, in the folder “Pictures”. Delete all unnecessary renders from the project folder “Pictures”, and rename all final renders if needed. If you have created a project panorama (or a few), check if it’s located in the project folder “Panoramas”, and rename panorama if needed.
Open the project browser, right-click on the project, and in the context menu select “Publish to ViSoft 360”.

Fill in all the necessary fields you need. Press “Upload” at the bottom of the window “ViSoft 360 Publishing”.
Your project will be uploaded to ViSoft360

When uploading is finished, you’ll see a window, where you can edit all the fields (name, album, privacy, preview, etc.) Save and close the window.

After uploading the project, you can also upload all final renders and panoramas if needed.
Select renders (and panoramas if you have them) by pressing the left mouse button and Shift on the keyboard, press “Publish to ViSoft 360”. Select the same folder for pictures you chose for the project before, and press the button Upload (3). Also, you can upload each file one by one.

When all uploads are finished, you can find your project on the portalViSoft360. Log into your account — My albums — all files are located in the album that was chosen for publication.

11.3. Publishing project in AR
When the project is ready, you can also publish it to ViSoft AR.
First, make some preparations. Check all objects with glass material. If the glass is transparent, change the opacity from 100% to 80-90% (in other cases all glass objects will be invisible after publishing in ViSoft AR).
After all glass is checked, go to Output — Plan — button Drawing Layers — check the checkbox for Parallel projection. Then press the button “Create ViSoft AR label”.

The project will be uploaded to ViSoft 360.

You can find your project on ViSoft360 — My albums — album “AR Output”.
These are the main steps to create the best quality project in ViSoft Premium.
You can find this project “March 2023” here: March 2023 | ViSoft360
Also, you can download it in ViSoft Premium from the sample projects: