Розпочніть тут, якщо Вам потрібна допомога в інсталяції ViSoft або побудові проекта.
[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]Setup
- Installation step by step
- Activate ViSoft / Get a license code
- ViSoft System Specifications
- AntiVirus software Settings
- Installing brands from the Updatemanager
- Network settings for ViSoft data files
- Moving the Tile Library
- Corporate identity in the Printer Settings
- Updating Graphics card
- Graphics driver for laptops
- Create Backup
- Convert ViSoft Premium to 32 bit
- Installing brands with the Updatemanager
- Limited accessible manufacturer / brand
- Add your own custom 3D objects or tiles.
- Adding custom tiles
- Extending the material library